- Please review the information provided on the CBT page and in the Service Agreement.
- If you have questions about tapping into your out-of-network benefit, please contact your insurance company prior to calling me.
- My office number is 603-778-0408. You are most likely to reach me if you call in the 10 minutes prior to any hour from 11am to 6pm Tuesday through Thursday.
- After a brief telephone intake, you will be scheduled for an initial parent(s)-only appointment.
During the initial (parent-only) appointment, I will gather detailed information about your child. Please bring a copy of prior evaluations, if any have been done, and of the most recent IEP/504 plan if your child has one.
- If you are going to want me to share information with your child’s Primary Care Doctor, school, or other providers (OT, Speech Therapist, etc.), please print as many copies of the Authorization to Release Information form as you need, and fill in the names and contact information for other providers/school personnel.
- Please bring a notebook to the initial appointment. Jot some notes about issues you plan to discuss. If your child is having tantrums, be ready to describe one in detail. If your child is anxious, I will need to hear specific examples. If the teacher has raised concerns, please ask for details prior to your initial appointment. Many parents take notes during the initial appointment, too, as we will begin to talk about what you can do to help your child.
- After the initial parent appointment, your child will be seen twice on his/her own. We will talk about how to prepare your child, and what to do if separations are a challenge. It is normal for children to be apprehensive prior to their first visit. Rest assured, most children emerge saying they had fun.
- During your child’s intake sessions, we will talk and play to get to know one another. I will be making an assessment of your child’s strengths while determining his/her needs.
- The final consultation session is for parent(s). We will talk (without your child present) about my impressions, and I will make specific recommendations about your most pressing concerns (trouble sleeping alone, not listening, self-disparaging statements, the inability to separate, etc.) with an emphasis on what you can do to help your child cope more effectively. A large amount of information will be shared during this appointment. Please bring a notebook to help you remember what has been said.
- For a variety of reasons, not every consultation leads to ongoing treatment with me. Some children don’t need therapy. Some would benefit more from treatment with a different provider. If this is the case, I will do my best to refer you elsewhere. Sometimes additional parent education/parent guidance work makes the most sense, either instead of or in addition to child-therapy. I will make specific recommendations about next steps, and we will work together to devise a plan.
- If you are going to continue in therapy with me, you will be included in your child’s treatment, learning what your child is learning and discovering how to coach him/her in new-found skills. I will describe this process during the feedback session.